
Conway's Game Of Life

Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by mathematician John Conway. In my implementation using C++ and the SDL2 library, I've added several interactive features to enhance the user experience. You can pan and zoom around the grid to explore different areas, pause and play the simulation to closely observe the changes, and randomly fill the grid to start with varied initial conditions. Additionally, there's a feature to clear the grid for a fresh start. These enhancements make it easier to observe and understand the complex, emergent behaviors that arise from Conway's simple rules.


This project, developed by my team and me during a GeeksForGeeks hackathon. We created an innovative application that provides analytical insights through an intuitive online interface. Our work focused on environmental concerns, featuring analyses such as carbon footprint assessment and satellite image classification.

Particle Life Simulation

I created a Particle Life simulation using C++, SDL2, and Dear ImGui. This application holds a special place for me due to the unique and amusing patterns it generates. Inspired by the concept of cellular automata, originally developed by Stephen Wolfram, this project is my implementation of particle-based simulations. It showcases my skills in combining physics-based simulations with interactive graphics, resulting in fascinating and unpredictable behaviors. You just watch particles react with themselves beautifully with just some simple defined rules.

Streamer Hub

I developed StreamerHub, a frontend application using React and GSAP. StreamerHub serves as a professional hub for streamers, featuring a sleek and interactive user interface. The application focuses on providing a seamless experience for users to manage and showcase their streaming content effectively. With React's framework and GSAP's animation capabilities, StreamerHub delivers a dynamic and visually engaging platform tailored for streamers and their audiences.