
About Me

Hi! My name is Ankush Roy , and I'm a high school student from India.
I have passion for mathematics and C++ programming.
My dream is to become a great mathematician one day.
In this page I have written more about me.

my face

Heres somethings about me :)


I am currently studying in Agartala, Tripura, India, at Umakanta Academy (English Medium). I am in the 11th grade, which is equivalent to high school. I have a keen interest in mathematics and science, and I am actively involved in various school clubs and activities. I am also preparing for competitive exams like JEE and Olympiads to pursue higher education in a top-tier institute.


I am a self-taught programmer, having learned several programming languages such as C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Although I started with Python and only knew the basics, I've since expanded my knowledge but have forgotten some of it over time. I also know a little bit of Spanish. Aprendí un poco de español con Duolingo pero ahora no tengo tiempo. My love for mathematics is immense, and recently, I have developed an interest in graphics programming.

Additionally, I am fluent in Bengali, Hindi, English, and also know some basic greetings in Kokborok (a tribal language), which allows me to communicate effectively with a diverse group of people. Learning languages has not only been a way to enhance my programming skills but also to explore different cultures and perspectives.

Personal Interests

Beyond my passion for programming and mathematics, I have a variety of other interests. I enjoy playing chess and often participate in local tournaments to sharpen my strategic thinking skills. In my free time, I like to read books on a wide range of topics, from science fiction to historical biographies. I also have a growing interest in digital art and have been experimenting with creating simple animations using my programming skills. Additionally, I love exploring new technologies and keeping up with the latest trends in the tech world.

I know that's a lot about me already, but there's more! I have a keen interest in music and often find myself exploring different genres to relax and unwind. I also enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and cycling, which help me stay active and connected with nature. Lastly, I have a passion for cooking and love experimenting with new recipes and cuisines in my free time.

and theres even more i can talk about myself!

Dev Workflow


In my dev workflow, I use i3wm with Arch Linux as my daily driver, complemented by Picom for compositing and autotiling to manage window layouts efficiently. My primary editor is Neovim, which I have customized extensively to suit my coding style. For my terminal emulator, I rely on Konsole, and I use Tmux as my terminal multiplexer to handle multiple terminal sessions within a single window.


I type using the Colemak layout, which I find more comfortable and efficient than the traditional QWERTY layout. I also use KMonad for managing keyboard layers, allowing me to maximize my productivity by customizing keybindings.

Laptop Sepcs

My development machine is an older HP laptop with a Core 2 Duo processor, 3GB of RAM, and a 300GB HDD. Despite its age, it serves my needs well with a lightweight setup. I use a full-sized membrane keyboard and a decent mouse to enhance my workflow.

This combination of tools and configurations allows me to maintain a productive and efficient development environment, tailored to my preferences and requirements.

Dev Workflow GitHub


My journey in mathematics and programming has been influenced by several individuals and ideas:

  • Srinivasa Ramanujan: His incredible contributions to mathematics, despite facing numerous challenges, have been a major source of inspiration for me.
  • Arunava Majumder Sir: My mathematics teacher at school who ignited my passion for the subject and guided me to explore its depths.
  • My Mother: Her unwavering support and encouragement have been crucial in my academic and personal growth.
  • My Highly Talented Friends: They constantly challenge and motivate me to improve and learn new things.
  • My Other School Teachers and Relatives: Their guidance and support have played a significant role in shaping my journey and achievements.